Sound System [1984]

Sound System
, along with Expressions and 
Street Beat, are K-Tel contemporary pop hits collections that were released in February 1984. (We'll probably feature Expressions next time out to finish the triptych.) The fourteen-song Sound System, subtitled Today's Top Hits, is available on vinyl, cassette, and 8-track tape.
This K-Tel album should not be confused with Herbie Hancock's 1984 Grammy-winning album, Sound-System, the follow-up to 1983's Grammy-winning Future Shock. (The Grammy category Hancock won two years in a row was Best R&B Instrumental Performance.)
While the cassette kept the vinyl's tracklist intact, the 8-track shuffled the songs yet still couldn't prevent the big KA-CHUNK! during Spandau Ballet's "Gold" as the program changed from three to four midsong. The 8-track also featured more bare-bones cover art compared to the vinyl (below).
While I did not buy the album upon its initial release, I eventually picked up a clean, flat (not warped) copy in the mid-'90s.
The majority of the tracks were favorites at the time of their 1983 release, and I already had them on their original albums. (I've included the
1983 Hideaway 200 rankings of the nine songs that made the list in the K-Tel Scale box score below.)
By 1984, K-Tel featured fewer tracks per album — they were using the full-length single or album versions rather than creating their own edits to fit as many songs as possible on each album. Let's see if the K-Tel Scale is even operational - it has been six years since we last fired it up.
Billboard Top 40s
7/83(She's) Sexy + 17Stray Cats524104
8/83One Thing Leads To AnotherThe Fixx4214624
4/83She's A BeautyThe Tubes101835
5/83Cuts Like A KnifeBryan Adams15627133
8/83Don't Forget To DanceThe Kinks29162334
8/83King Of PainThe Police3133513
7/83Far From OverFrank Stallone10(43)10
8/83Heart and SoulHuey Lewis and the News8110182
9/83Love Is A BattlefieldPat Benatar51(41)4178
10/83SoulsRick Springfield2331
6/83Take Me To HeartQuaterflash1462815180
2/83Mr. RobotoStyx331192
11/83GoldSpandau Ballet2981729
10/83If I'd Been The One38 Special19123
Not too shabby at all. Every track is a Top 30 hit, and only Rick Springfield failed to cross over to another Billboard chart. Five Number Ones on the Rock chart is impressive, and the 4 Club chart crossovers are surprising. The K-Tel Scale score of 29.46 for Sound System beats the 27.63 Street Beat score and is also nearly two points above the average score after the seventy-six(!) other K-Tel albums we've featured here on The K-Tel Kollection. 
There are only eight(!) more K-Tel albums left on the shelf to review. We've got a few Ronco ones we might feature, as well as a few more K-Tel collections from the UK. Next time out, we'll probably feature A Collection of Today's Soft Sounds:

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